# authkit2 - Laravel Installation How to set up authkit2 in your Laravel project. # Install Add the authkit2 repository to your composer.json, e.g.,: ```js "repositories": [ { "type": "path", "url": "../path/to/authkit2/repo/" } ] ``` // TODO: Update to VCS for release. Then install the package with composer: ```js $ composer require cmg/authkit2 ``` Laravel will automatically discover and register the appropriate service providers. # Migrations There are two sets of migrations: * New Project: Removes the `password` and `email_verified_at` columns from the users table. * Existing Project: Makes the `password` column nullable. Both migrations are based around the default Laravel user table. If your table is heavily customized, you will need to modify the migrations before running them. ## New Project In your project folder, run: ``` $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authkit2_migrate_fresh_project $ php artisan migrate ``` ## Existing Project In your project folder, run: ``` $ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=authkit2_migrate_existing_project $ php artisan migrate ``` # Next Steps See [Configuration](LARAVEL_CONFIG.md).