# authkit2 - Custom Integration Example This folder contains an example that demonstrates using authkit2 for authenticating against a OIDC provider outside of the Laravel framework. # Setup Install dependencies (only authkit2) with: ``` $ composer install ``` Configure your application's client credentials and redirect URLs in `_config.php`. Note that the OpenID endpoint must include the full path to the realm, e.g. for Keycloak, `` # Usage You can serve this project with PHP's integrated development server. From this folder, run: ``` $ php -S ``` Then access it in your browser at []( Don't forget to register your callback URLs with your OpenID provider. # Layout * `_config.php`: Constants to define your configuration. * `_common.php`: Common code: initialize session, pass configuration to authkit, helpers for rendering page header/footer * `index.php`: Basic page to show logged in user's information or provide a prompt to login. * `logout.php`: Page to log the user out, redirect them to the provider to logout, and back to index. * `login.php`: Initiate the login process and redirect the user to the provider. * `callback.php`: Where the provider redirects the user back to, receives the nonce and authorization code, exchanges those for a token, and redirects the user back to the index.