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use authkit2\Authkit2;
echo html_header();
if (isset($_SESSION['access_token']) && isset($_SESSION['refresh_token']))
// Fetch the token for the user so we can make requests on their behalf
$token = Authkit2::get_token($_SESSION['access_token'], $_SESSION['refresh_token']);
// If the token needs to be refreshed, the library will do that for us, but
// we need to set a callback so it can let us know to store the updated token.
$token->setRefreshCallback(function($token) {
echo "Refreshing token...<br>";
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $token->getAccessToken();
$_SESSION['refresh_token'] = $token->getRefreshToken();
// Fetch the user's information from the openid provider
$user_info = $token->getUserInfo();
echo "Hello, ".$user_info['name']."!<br>";
echo "Your id is: ".$token->getUserId()."<br>";
echo "<a href=\"logout.php\">Logout</a><br>";
echo "Not signed in.<br>";
echo "<a href=\"login.php\">Login</a><br>";
echo html_footer();