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Adam Pippin 3 years ago
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@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Bootstrap any application services.
* @return void
public function boot()
* Register any application services.
* @return void
public function register()
* Register any application services.
* @return void
public function register()


@ -1,60 +1,62 @@
return [
| Application Name
| This value is the name of your application. This value is used when the
| framework needs to place the application's name in a notification or
| any other location as required by the application or its packages.
'name' => 'Cfnpp',
| Application Version
| This value determines the "version" your application is currently running
| in. You may want to follow the "Semantic Versioning" - Given a version
| number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH when an update happens:
'version' => app('git.version'),
| Application Environment
| This value determines the "environment" your application is currently
| running in. This may determine how you prefer to configure various
| services the application utilizes. This can be overridden using
| the global command line "--env" option when calling commands.
'env' => 'development',
| Autoloaded Service Providers
| The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on the
| request to your application. Feel free to add your own services to
| this array to grant expanded functionality to your applications.
'providers' => [
| Application Name
| This value is the name of your application. This value is used when the
| framework needs to place the application's name in a notification or
| any other location as required by the application or its packages.
'name' => 'Cfnpp',
| Application Version
| This value determines the "version" your application is currently running
| in. You may want to follow the "Semantic Versioning" - Given a version
| number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH when an update happens:
'version' => app('git.version'),
| Application Environment
| This value determines the "environment" your application is currently
| running in. This may determine how you prefer to configure various
| services the application utilizes. This can be overridden using
| the global command line "--env" option when calling commands.
'env' => 'development',
| Autoloaded Service Providers
| The service providers listed here will be automatically loaded on the
| request to your application. Feel free to add your own services to
| this array to grant expanded functionality to your applications.
'providers' => [


@ -1,80 +1,82 @@
return [
| Default Command
| Laravel Zero will always run the command specified below when no command name is
| provided. Consider update the default command for single command applications.
| You cannot pass arguments to the default command because they are ignored.
| Default Command
| Laravel Zero will always run the command specified below when no command name is
| provided. Consider update the default command for single command applications.
| You cannot pass arguments to the default command because they are ignored.
'default' => NunoMaduro\LaravelConsoleSummary\SummaryCommand::class,
'default' => NunoMaduro\LaravelConsoleSummary\SummaryCommand::class,
| Commands Paths
| This value determines the "paths" that should be loaded by the console's
| kernel. Foreach "path" present on the array provided below the kernel
| will extract all "Illuminate\Console\Command" based class commands.
| Commands Paths
| This value determines the "paths" that should be loaded by the console's
| kernel. Foreach "path" present on the array provided below the kernel
| will extract all "Illuminate\Console\Command" based class commands.
'paths' => [app_path('Commands')],
'paths' => [app_path('Commands')],
| Added Commands
| You may want to include a single command class without having to load an
| entire folder. Here you can specify which commands should be added to
| your list of commands. The console's kernel will try to load them.
| Added Commands
| You may want to include a single command class without having to load an
| entire folder. Here you can specify which commands should be added to
| your list of commands. The console's kernel will try to load them.
'add' => [
// ..
'add' => [
// ..
| Hidden Commands
| Your application commands will always be visible on the application list
| of commands. But you can still make them "hidden" specifying an array
| of commands below. All "hidden" commands can still be run/executed.
| Hidden Commands
| Your application commands will always be visible on the application list
| of commands. But you can still make them "hidden" specifying an array
| of commands below. All "hidden" commands can still be run/executed.
'hidden' => [
'hidden' => [
| Removed Commands
| Do you have a service provider that loads a list of commands that
| you don't need? No problem. Laravel Zero allows you to specify
| below a list of commands that you don't to see in your app.
| Removed Commands
| Do you have a service provider that loads a list of commands that
| you don't need? No problem. Laravel Zero allows you to specify
| below a list of commands that you don't to see in your app.
'remove' => [
// ..
'remove' => [
// ..
