Tool for laying out displays on Linux
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
1.7 KiB

namespace App\System;
class Command
protected $command;
protected $defaultArguments;
protected $path;
public function __construct(string $command, array $defaultArguments = [])
$this->command = $command;
$this->defaultArguments = $defaultArguments;
$this->path = static::find($command);
if (!isset($this->path))
throw new \Exception('Command not found: '.$command);
public function getPath()
return $this->path;
public function create(array $arguments)
$arguments = array_merge($this->defaultArguments, $arguments);
foreach ($arguments as &$argument)
if (!is_object($argument) || !($argument instanceof CommandArgument))
$argument = new CommandArgument($argument);
$command = [];
if (strpos($this->path, ' ') === false)
$command[] = '"'.$this->path.'"';
$command[] = $this->path;
$command = array_merge($command, $arguments);
$process = app()->make('App\\System\\Process', ['command' => $command]);
return $process;
public function __invoke(array $arguments)
return $this->create($arguments)->start()->getStdout();
protected static function find($command)
if (PHP_OS == 'WINNT')
$result = shell_exec('where '.escapeshellarg($command));
// No idea why Windows is using unix line endings here
// Trim the trailing newline, last result is always empty
$result = explode("\n", trim($result));
$result = end($result);
$result = shell_exec('command -v '.escapeshellarg($command));
if (!is_string($result))
$result = trim($result);
if (empty($result))
return $result;