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2 years ago
*NukeVim* nucleardog's vim config
\ | | \ \ /_) ~
. | | | | / -_)\ \ / | ` \ ~
_|\_|\_,_|_\_\\___| \_/ _|_|_|_| ~
by nucleardog ~
| Ctrl+] : follow link Ctrl+O : go back Ctrl+I : go forward |
| gO : table of contents |
CONTENTS *NukeVim-contents*
1. Introduction |NukeVimIntro|
1.1 Goals |NukeVimIntroGoals|
1.2 Really Quick Start |NukeVimReallyQuickStart|
1.3 Less Quick Start |NukeVimLessQuickStart|
2. Installation |NukeVimInstall|
2.1 Dependencies |NukeVimDependencies|
3. Features |NukeVimFeature|
3.1 Development |NukeVimFeatureDev|
3.1.1 Debugger |NukeVimFeatureDebugger|
3.1.2 Code Completion |NukeVimFeatureCodeCompletion|
3.1.3 Tag Bar |NukeVimFeatureTagBar|
3.1.4 Todos |NukeVimFeatureTodos|
3.1.5 Git |NukeVimFeatureGit|
3.1.6 Docker |NukeVimFeatureDocker|
3.2 PHP |NukeVimFeaturePhp|
3.2.1 Debugger |NukeVimFeaturePhpDebugger|
3.2.1 Composer |NukeVimFeaturePhpComposer|
3.3 UI |NukeVimFeatureUi|
3.3.1 Fuzzy Find |NukeVimFeatureUiFuzzyFind|
3.3.2 Terminal |NukevimFeatureUiTerminal|
4. Architecture |NukeVimArch|
4.1 Startup |NukeVimArchStartup|
4.2 Modules |NukeVimArchModule|
4.3 Plugins |NukeVimArchPlugin|
5. Modules |NukeVimModule|
5.1 Keymap |NukeVimModuleKeymap|
5.2 LSP |NukeVimModuleLSP|
5.3 PHPUnit |NukeVimModulePhpUnit|
5.4 Plugins |NukeVimModulePlugins|
5.5 Settings |NukeVimModuleSettings|
5.6 Start |NukeVimModuleStart|
5.7 Syntax |NukeVimModuleSyntax|
5.8 UI |NukeVimModuleUi|
1. Introduction *NukeVimIntro*
This is my modular-ish and configurable-ish neovim config.
It's not intended to serve anyone's purpose but my own, but the core of it
should be fairly adaptable (even if a bit poorly implemented).
1.1 Goals *NukeVimIntroGoals*
The primary thing I try and do with this configuration is _enhance_ vim, not
make it into something else.
* This config should only _add_ or _enhance_ functionality, not make any major
changes to existing functionality or workflows.
* If I'm working on a server or any other computer that doesn't have my config,
I shouldn't be totally lost and useless. Which, conversely, means someone that
is used to vim should not feel lost when using this config.
* The core experience should not be complex. Additional functionality should be
surfaced as it's required or requested.
1.2 Really Quick Start *NukeVimReallyQuickStart*
Basically... it's vim. Pretty much all of the things you're used to in vim
should be there exactly where you would expect them.
You can press `???` at any time to trigger a pop-up help bar that shows the
customized key bindings available. (Try it now!)
The leader key is, out of the box, the spacebar. Press it and wait briefly and
a similar legend should pop up to show the actions available.
Some actions are only available when specific file types are loaded (e.g.,
phpunit actions only display when you have a php file open).
2 years ago
Several tools are only available when the associated program is found in your
path (e.g., git tools are only available if git is found). Run `:checkhealth
nukevim` to see what's going on with all of that.
2 years ago
Good luck!
1.3 Less Quick Start *NukeVimQuickStart*
This should be a quick run-down of the things that I think are probably most
important to get immediately productive.
*Important Key Mappings:*
| Mode | Key | Description |
| n | - (hyphen) | Open file browser in current buffer |
| nit | Alt+H/J/K/L | Select the buffer in the direction |
| n | Alt+Shift+H/J/K/L | Move the current buffer in the direction |
| nit | Ctrl+H/L | Switch tab left/right |
| n t | Ctrl+K | New tab |
*Important Files:*
* `lua/config/_keymap.lua`: customize general key mappings
* `lua/config/_settings.lua`: customize vim settings and global variables
* `lua/config/plugins/local.lua`: add your own plugins
2. Installation *NukeVimInstall*
Check out, unzip, copy or otherwise place the repo contents in your
`~/.config/nvim` folder (or whatever your platform uses).
Run `nvim +NukeVimInstall +qall` to install all the relevant plugins, perform
any initial NukeVim or other plugin setup tasks, and exit.
2 years ago
This may take a few minutes and may appear to be frozen. I hope to fix this
eventually, but the coc extension is a little finnicky about how you can
install things and this is the best I could get for the time being.
2 years ago
2.1 Dependencies *NukeVimDependencies*
There are providers, external programs, and several other things required in
order for all plugins and included functionality to work (or even make sense).
2 years ago
If any specific functionality is missing a dependency, NukeVim _should_ continue
to function without that dependency just missing the relevant functionality. If
it does not, that's a bug.
2 years ago
At any time you should be able to validate which plugins are enabled and, if
they are not, why they failed to function by running `:checkhealth nukevim`.
2 years ago
For reference, the external dependencies are listed below:
2 years ago
*composer* -- php package manager
Required By: phpctags, vim-composer
*ctags* -- code tag parser
Required By: phpctags, tagbar
*deno* -- javascript/typescript plugin runtime
Required By: denops-docker
*docker* -- build and run containers
Required By: vim-docker-tools, denops-docker,
*git* -- source code control
Required By: vim-fugitive, gv, vim-gitgutter, blamer
*npm* -- javascript package manager
Required By: coc
*php* -- php language runtime
Required By: phpctags, vim-composer
*python3* -- neovim python3 provider (python3 + pip3 install pynvim)
Required By: vdebug
2 years ago
3. Features *NukeVimFeature*
This section outlines several features included in the NukeVim distribution,
references back to the relevant projects, and quick information on their use.
2 years ago
3.1 Development *NukeVimFeatureDev*
Tools for working with code.
2 years ago
3.1.1 Debugger *NukeVimFeatureDebugger*
NukeVim includes the Vdebug plugin to provide a DBGP protocol debugger within
vim. It can be used for PHP (xdebug), Python, Ruby, Perl, Tcl, NodeJS and more.
Further Help: `:h Vdebug`
In normal mode:
* `<F5>` starts the debugger; the UI will only appear once a client connects
* `<F10>` toggle breakpoint
Within the debugger:
* `<F2>` step over
* `<F3>` step into
* `<F4>` step out
* `<F6>` stops the debugged code; a second time closes the debugger
* `<F9>` run to cursor
* `<F12>` evaluate variable under cursor
NukeVim provides some additionally functionality and mappings for working with
the debugger under the `<leader> d(evelopment) d(ebug)` prefix:
* `b` toggle breakpoint
* `c` set a conditional breakpoint
* `e` evaluate code; if you have a visual selection it will evaluate that,
otherwise it will prompt for code
* `t` set a trace expression to be evaluated on each stepping; if you have a
visual selection it will trace that, otherwise it will prompt for code
* `w` show breakpoint window listing all breakpoints
2 years ago
3.1.2 Code Completion *NukeVimFeatureCodeCompletion*
NukeVim provides the coc plugin to provide completion.
Further Help: `:h coc-nvim`
You can install various coc extensions with the `:CocInstall` command. Some
useful ones:
* `coc-css`: css completion
* `coc-html`: html completion
* `coc-json`: json completion
* `coc-markdownlint`: markdown linting rules
* `coc-marketplace`: run `:CocList marketplace` to fuzzy find and interactively
install new extensions
* `coc-phpls`: php language server using intelephense
* `coc-sql`: sql completion
* `coc-yaml`: yaml completion
When completion windows pop up, you can either:
* Scroll with the arrow keys, commit with <CR>
* Scroll with Ctrl+J/K and have the changes reflected immediately.
2 years ago
3.1.3 Tag Bar *NukeVimFeatureTagBar*
NukeVim uses the tagbar plugin to provide overview and navigation of your
code's structure.
Further Help: `:h tagbar`
At any point in a source file, you can press `Alt+;` to open a sidebar which
shows all of the "tags" in your source file--classes and functions. You can
scroll with j/k and select any tag with <CR> to move the cursor there. The
window automatically closes.
2 years ago
3.1.4 Todos *NukeVimFeatureTodos*
NukeVim uses trouble and todo-comments to provide highlighting and a project-level
overview of // TODO, // FIXME, etc style comments.
Further Help: none
todo-comments will search your cwd for relevant tags. Generally this will be
your project's directory thanks to vim-rooter.
You can trigger the quickfix interface with `<leader> w(orkspace) t(odos)`.
This will open the quickfix window with a list of todos broken down by file.
Scroll with j/k, select with <CR> to jump to the file and line, or close the
quickfix window with `q`. It will auto-close when you select a todo to view.
Alternatively, you can use `<leader> w(orkspace) T(odos)` to open the todos
in Telescope. This provides a fuzzy find interface with shows a preview of the
selected todo in the right pane.
2 years ago
3.1.5 Git *NukeVimFeatureGit*
NukeVim uses several plugins to provide a whole bunch of relevant
git functionality.
All of the functionality can be found under the `<leader> g(it)` prefix.
2 years ago
3.1.6 Docker *NukevimFeatureDocker*
NukeVim provides two docker interfaces out of the box, though one is disabled
by default.
| The default plugin requires deno be available (see |NukeVimDependencies|).
| If you do not want to install deno, you may instead enable
| the `vim-docker-tools plugin in `lua/config/plugins/development.lua`. This
| section only discusses the default denops-docker plugin.
Further Help: `:h docker.txt`
denops-docker provides basic container and image management from within vim.
You can trigger container management with `<leader> d(evelopment) c(ontainers)`
and image management with `<leader> d(evelopment) i(mages)`.
All key bindings available in both interfaces are registered in the keymap so
live help can be found by pressing `???` with either window open. Windows can
be scrolled with j/k and closed with `q`.
* `u` start container
* `d` stop container
* `r` restart container
* `<C-k>` kill container
* `<CR>` inspect container
* `a` attach terminal to container
* `t` tail log of container
* `<C-d>` delete container
* `r` run image
* `<C-d>` delete image
* `<CR>` inspect image
2 years ago
3.2 PHP *NukeVimFeaturePhp*
NukeVim provides some PHP-specific functionality.
2 years ago
3.2.1 Debugger *NukeVimFeaturePhpDebugger*
In order to debug PHP with Vdebug (see |NukeVimFeatureDebugger|), you must first
set up PHP correctly.
Ensure you have the xdebug extension ( installed first. It's
likely available in your package manager.
I won't fully replicate the Xdebug documentation here, but you _will_ need to
properly configure xdebug in your php.ini file. Some core options you'll
likely need would be:
2 years ago
3.2.2 Composer *NukeVimFeaturePhpComposer*
NukeVim provides an extremely basic composer interface thanks to vim-composer.
Further Help: `:h composer.txt`
The functionality is only available when you have a PHP file open and it is
all under the `<leader> l(anguage) c(omposer)` prefix:
* `i` run composer install
* `j` open composer.json in a new buffer
* `u` run composer update
// TODO: Add some more composer commands using :ComposerRun -- something generic
// but also probably some shortcuts for my common stuff like format/validate.
2 years ago
3.3 UI *NukeVimFeatureUi*
Most of the UI stuff just... is, but there are a couple of things that aren't
very discoverable.
2 years ago
3.3.1 Fuzzy Find *NukeVimFeatureUiFuzzyFind*
NukeVim uses CtrlP for fuzzy finding files.
Further Help: `:h ctrlp`
You can trigger the fuzzy find by pressing `<C-p>` in normal mode. This will
try and fuzzily match any files in the cwd (which should follow your project
root thanks to vim-rooter).
2 years ago
3.3.2 Terminal *NukeVimFeatureUiTerminal*
NukeVim uses toggleterm to provide a persistent, toggleable terminal.
Further Help: `:h toggleterm`
In normal mode, press `<C-t>` to show/hide a terminal at the bottom of your
2 years ago
4. Architecture *NukeVimArch*
4.1 Startup *NukeVimArchStartup*
4.2 Modules *NukeVimArchModule*
4.3 Plugins *NukeVimArchPlugin*
5. Modules *NukeVimModule*
2 years ago
Modules are the core of NukeVim, generally providing high-level/core
functionality. Though because of technical limitations there are a couple that
are quite specific.
In addition to the module-specific configuration listed below, every module's
configuration block supports two top-level properties, though both are optional:
* `enable`: if this is set and not `true`, then this module is skipped
* `order`: all modules are loaded, initialized, etc sorted by the ascending
value of the order property; any modules which do not specify an order value
(order = nil) are sorted to the end of the initialization list; any modules
with matching orders (including nil) are initialized in an undefined order
relative to each other.
5.1 Keymap *NukeVimModuleKeymap*
The keymap module provides the ability to map keys directly as well as is
used by the Plugins module to register plugin-specific key mappings. If enabled,
the keymap module also handles generating the help/legend that you can trigger
with `???` or after pressing the leader key.
In `lua/_config.lua`, a couple of options are provided directly:
* `ui.enable`: whether to enable the legend when pressing the `???` combo or
after pressing the leader key.
* `ui.show_builtin`: if this is enabled then the legend will also show vim's
built-in key bindings, not just the customized ones.
A list of key bindings can be provided on the `keys` property.
By default, the general key mappings registered through the `keys` property are
included from `lua/config/_keymap.lua`. Mappings for plugins are generally
contained in the plugin config block in the plugin files. See
Supported options for each keymap are:
* `mode`: the mode to register this key combo in (e.g., `n`, `i`, `v`, etc)
* `key`: either a string where each character is expected to represent a single
key (e.g., 'jj') or an array where each element is a key (e.g.,
`{ '<leader>', 'g', 'c' }`.
* `map`: what to bind to this keypress
* `label`: the label to show in the legend/help
* `group`: set true if this doesn't actually map a key but just provides a label
for a group of keys
* `virtual`: set true if this doesn't actually map a key but instead is just
intended to provide a label for an existing mapping
* `hidden`: set true if you want this map registered but to _not_ display in
the legend; no effect if the legend UI isn't enabled
* `options`: these are passed through to the map api, you can set `silent`,
`nowait`, and `noremap`. If the `options` table isn't specified, than the
default options is `noremap`.
Basic Mapping:
mode = 'n',
key = 'jj',
map = '<Esc>',
label = 'escape'
Multiple Key Mapping:
mode = 'n',
key = { '<Space>', '<Space>' },
map = ':syn sync fromstart<CR>',
label = 'recalculate syntax highlighting'
Virtual Mapping (Label Only):
mode = 'n',
key = '-',
virtual = true,
label = 'browse files with netrw'
Hidden Mapping:
mode = 'n',
key = '<F49>',
map = ':lua nukevim:help()<CR>',
label = 'help',
hidden = true
Group Mapping (Label Only):
mode = 'n',
key = { '<leader>', 'd' },
group = true,
label = 'development tools'
{ mode = 'n', key = { '<leader>', 'd', 'a' }, map = '...', label = 'tool a' },
{ mode = 'n', key = { '<leader>', 'd', 'b' }, map = '...', label = 'tool b' },
{ mode = 'n', key = { '<leader>', 'd', 'c' }, map = '...', label = 'tool c' },
Vim Mapping Options:
mode = 'i',
key = { '<A-j>' },
map = '<C-O><C-W>j',
label = 'select buffer down',
options = { silent = true }
5.2 LSP *NukeVimModuleLSP*
The LSP module is responsible for initializing and configuring NeoVim's built in
LSP client.
It provides only minimal functionality, but must be configured with any LSP
providers you expect to use in NeoVim.
All providers are configured under a top level `provders` property. The LSP
configuration is fairly specific to each provider, but the general format
providers = {
intelephense = {
command = { 'intelephense', '--stdio' },
filetypes = { 'php' }
5.3 PHPUnit *NukeVimModulePhpUnit*
The PHPUnit module is responsible for providing an interface to PHPUnit. It has
no configuration options, but registers several key bindings in the <leader>
interface for running PHPUnit tests when you have a PHP file open.
It is hardcoded to run PHPUnit using the path `./vendor/bin/phpunit` so should
always use the version of PHPUnit included in your project.
5.4 Plugins *NukeVimModulePlugins*
The plugins module is responsible for initializing and configuring all external
vim plugins. By default, this relies on `vim-plug` to provide the actual plugin
The plugins module provides one top-level option:
* `path`: the path on disk where plugins should be stored
The list of plugins should be provided as the `plugins` property. By default,
this is included from `lua/config/_plugins.lua` which in turn includes and
merges all the plugins in the files in `lua/config/plugins/`.
Each plugin supports a several properties, all except `name` are optional:
* `enable`: if set and not `true`, the plugin will be skipped
* `name`: the name of the plugin, generally a github reference (`user/plugin`)
* `opts`: used to control plugin loading options, some available options are:
2 years ago
* `branch`: override the branch to check out from git
* `on`: delay loading the plugin until one of the specified commands is called
* `do`: command to run after install/update
* `requires`: contains sub-properties:
* `provider`: a list of vim providers (e.g., 'python3') that must be present
* `binary`: a list of executables that must be available on your path
* `plugin`: a list of other plugins that must have been successfully initialized
* `virtual`: do not register with vim-plug
* `config`: passed through to the plugin itself as configuration
2 years ago
* `keys`: a list of key mappings in the format expected by the keymap module
(see |NukeVimModuleKeymap|) that should be registered if this plugin is enabled
In addition to the plugin itself, if a file is present at
`lua/plugin/<plugin/path>.lua` it will be loaded and registered with the module
system to allow you to provide additional customization or initialization
logic. See |NukeVimArchPlugin| for more information.
If any of a plugin's requirements are not met it will simply not be loaded. This
should allow NukeVim to simply adapt to whatever is available at the time. If
any expected functionality is missing, running `:checkhealth nukevim` should
report why a plugin wasn't loaded under the plugin module section.
"virtual" plugins interact with both of these systems. The primary intention is
to allow for the quick and easy creation and inclusion of built-in lua plugins
which have no corresponding plugin to load via vim-plug. By setting a plugin as
`virtual`, it will not be registered with `vim-plug` but in all other ways will
be treated as a plugin--including loading an appropriately named lua file from
the `lua/plugins/` folder. I cannot see the use-case, but a virtual plugin
would also satisfy a dependency declared in the `requires` section of any other
2 years ago
5.5 Settings *NukeVimModuleSettings*
This module is responsible for setting vim settings and global variables.
The settings module provides a single top-level option:
* `settings`: Set a `o` table to provide options, and a `g` table to set
global variables.
By default, the settings configuration is loaded from `lua/config/_settings.lua`.
The `o` property should be set to a table containing vim options and their value.
Generally, this is anything you would configure with `set option` or
`set option=value`.
In the case of "boolean" options (e.g., `wrap` and `nowrap`) you should not set
the `no` option, but instead set the option to value. That is, instead of
`nowrap = true`, set `wrap = false`.
The `g` property should be set to a table containing any global variables you
want to set on startup. Generally, this is anything you would configure with
`let g:option=value`.
5.6 Start *NukeVimModuleStart*
This module has no configuration options available. It provides the NukeVim
splash screen on startup.
5.7 Syntax *NukeVimModuleSyntax*
This module has no configuration options available. It simply exists to resolve
some conflicts between some syntax highlighting plugins.
5.8 UI *NukeVimModuleUi*
The UI module is generally responsible for how vim looks.
It provides two top level properties:
* `tui`: configuration to apply on startup unconditionally
* `gui`: configuration to apply on top of the `tui` options if we detect
that vim is running in some sort of gui
Each property supports the following options:
* `theme`: the colorscheme to apply, this is basically `set colorscheme`
* `show_whitespace`: if enabled, then highlighting rules will be added to
make whitespace visible in the editor
* `font`: supports two properties: `family` and `size`