return { -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Better netrw file browsing -- -- Rather than use something like NERDtree, allow browsing the filesystem -- directly in a buffer. For a general overview of why I think this is -- good, see -- -- * Press '-' anywhere to open the file browser, and go up a folder when -- in the file browser. -- * Press gh in the file browser to toggle hidden (dot) files. -- * Press y to tank the absolute path of the file you've selected. -- * Press ~ to go to your home directory. -- { name = 'tpope/vim-vinegar' }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Improved status bar -- -- Show your current mode... but also git branch, file path, changes, file -- type, line endings, line number, and a whole bunch of other stuff. With -- icons and pretty colours. -- -- The "themes" package provides color schemes that will adapt to several -- popular pre-existing themes. -- -- TODO: Actually configure this because the default options are quite noisy. -- { name = 'vim-airline/vim-airline' }, { name = 'vim-airline/vim-airline-themes' }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fuzzy find files -- -- Search through all files in the current folder (or current project thanks -- to vim-rooter) with a fuzzy search. -- -- Telescope can provide similar functionality (more colors, previews files, -- etc) but I don't like the interface and can't be arsed to figure out the -- customization right now. Main issues are that it supports "command" mode -- (why) so cancelling takes two escapes, and I want to use either j/k or -- ctrl+j/k to scroll lists not arrow keys and ctrl+n/p. -- { name = 'ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim', config = { -- Only load this plugin once one of these vim commands is triggered ['on'] = { 'CtrlP', 'CtrlPMixed', 'CtrlPMRU' } }, keys = { { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = ':CtrlP', options = { silent = true }, label = 'fuzzy find files' }, } }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Toggleterm - Better vim terminals -- -- This provides a persistent, hide-able terminal that you can pull up -- anywhere. It seems to be a little less awkward than the built-in terminal -- as well as far as vim modes and such. -- { name = 'akinsho/toggleterm.nvim', config = { branch = 'main' }, keys = { -- { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'exe "v:count" + tabpagenr() . "ToggleTerm"', label = "open terminal", options = { silent = true } }, -- { mode = 't', key = { '' }, map = 'exe "v:count" + tabpagenr() . "ToggleTerm"', label = "close terminal", options = { silent = true } }, { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'exe v:count1 . "ToggleTerm"', label = "toggle terminal", options = { silent = true } }, { mode = 't', key = { '' }, map = 'exe v:count1 . "ToggleTerm"', label = "toggle terminal", options = { silent = true } }, } }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Input/select UI improvements -- -- Dressing provides an improved vim.ui.input and interface by -- using any of a variety of drivers. -- -- Telescope is one such driver. If telescope isn't enabled, this should -- fall back on some less-good-but-still-better-than-default builtins. -- { name = 'stevearc/dressing.nvim' }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- UI framework -- -- Telescope provides an implementation of some nicer select boxes as well -- as several built-in functions for triggering them to do various things. -- -- If telescope is enabled, it will take over the git branch selection ui -- from the custom one I've added to vim-fugitive. -- { name = 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', keys = { { mode = 'n', key = { '', 'g', 'z' }, map = ':lua require("telescope.builtin").git_branches()', label = 'checkout' }, } }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Colour previews -- -- Highlight hex codes (and in css, css named colors + rgb/hsl, etc) by -- colouring their background to match the colour. -- { name = 'ap/vim-css-color' }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Dim inactive buffers -- -- By default this is set to dim them only a little so it's _very_ slight. -- Still able to reference things in other buffers easily but provides a -- small focusing effect on the active buffer. -- -- -- This is the original. Bunch of unmerged PRs that fix bugs. -- { name = 'sunjon/Shade.nvim', config = { opacity = 75 } }, -- This is a fork that, at least at the time, basically just had all the PRs -- merged. { name = 'jghauser/shade.nvim', config = { opacity = 60 , branch = "main" } }, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Easier buffer moving -- -- This allows you to move buffers around a little more easily. -- { name = 'sindrets/winshift.nvim', config = { branch = 'main', ['on'] = { 'WinShift' } }, keys = { { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'WinShift left', label = 'move buffer left' }, { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'WinShift down', label = 'move buffer down' }, { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'WinShift up', label = 'move buffer up' }, { mode = 'n', key = { '' }, map = 'WinShift right', label = 'move buffer right' }, } }, }