local M = {} local api, uv = vim.api, vim.loop local function load_buffer(title, lines) local bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, false) api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, 0, false, lines) api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'bufhidden', 'wipe') api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'buftype', 'nofile') api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'swapfile', false) api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "modifiable", false) api.nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, title) api.nvim_set_current_buf(bufnr) end local function time_tostr(x) if x == 0 then return '?' end return string.format('%8.3fms', x) end local function mem_tostr(x) local unit = '' for _, u in ipairs{'K', 'M', 'G'} do if x < 1000 then break end x = x / 1000 unit = u end return string.format('%1.1f%s', x, unit) end function M.print_profile(I) local mod_profile = I.modpaths.profile local chunk_profile = I.chunks.profile if not mod_profile and not chunk_profile then print('Error: profiling was not enabled') return end local total_resolve = 0 local total_load = 0 local modules = {} for path, m in pairs(chunk_profile) do m.load = m.load_end - m.load_start m.load = m.load / 1000000 m.path = path or '?' end local module_content_width = 0 for module, m in pairs(mod_profile) do m.resolve = 0 if m.resolve_end then m.resolve = m.resolve_end - m.resolve_start m.resolve = m.resolve / 1000000 end m.module = module:gsub('/', '.') m.loader = m.loader or m.loader_guess local path = I.modpaths.cache[module] local path_prof = chunk_profile[path] m.path = path or '?' if path_prof then chunk_profile[path] = nil m.load = path_prof.load m.ploader = path_prof.loader else m.load = 0 m.ploader = 'NA' end total_resolve = total_resolve + m.resolve total_load = total_load + m.load if #module > module_content_width then module_content_width = #module end modules[#modules+1] = m end table.sort(modules, function(a, b) return (a.resolve + a.load) > (b.resolve + b.load) end) local paths = {} local total_paths_load = 0 for _, m in pairs(chunk_profile) do paths[#paths+1] = m total_paths_load = total_paths_load + m.load end table.sort(paths, function(a, b) return a.load > b.load end) local lines = {} local function add(fmt, ...) local args = {...} for i, a in ipairs(args) do if type(a) == 'number' then args[i] = time_tostr(a) end end lines[#lines+1] = string.format(fmt, unpack(args)) end local time_cell_width = 12 local loader_cell_width = 11 local time_content_width = time_cell_width - 2 local loader_content_width = loader_cell_width - 2 local module_cell_width = module_content_width + 2 local tcwl = string.rep('─', time_cell_width) local lcwl = string.rep('─', loader_cell_width) local mcwl = string.rep('─', module_cell_width+2) local n = string.rep('─', 200) local module_cell_format = '%-'..module_cell_width..'s' local loader_format = '%-'..loader_content_width..'s' local line_format = '%s │ %s │ %s │ %s │ %s │ %s' local row_fmt = line_format:format( ' %'..time_content_width..'s', loader_format, '%'..time_content_width..'s', loader_format, module_cell_format, '%s') local title_fmt = line_format:format( ' %-'..time_content_width..'s', loader_format, '%-'..time_content_width..'s', loader_format, module_cell_format, '%s') local title1_width = time_cell_width+loader_cell_width-1 local title1_fmt = ('%s │ %s │'):format( ' %-'..title1_width..'s', '%-'..title1_width..'s') add('Note: this report is not a measure of startup time. Only use this for comparing') add('between cached and uncached loads of Lua modules') add('') add('Cache files:') for _, f in ipairs{ I.chunks.path, I.modpaths.path } do local size = vim.loop.fs_stat(f).size add(' %s %s', f, mem_tostr(size)) end add('') add('%s─%s┬%s─%s┐', tcwl, lcwl, tcwl, lcwl) add(title1_fmt, 'Resolve', 'Load') add('%s┬%s┼%s┬%s┼%s┬%s', tcwl, lcwl, tcwl, lcwl, mcwl, n) add(title_fmt, 'Time', 'Method', 'Time', 'Method', 'Module', 'Path') add('%s┼%s┼%s┼%s┼%s┼%s', tcwl, lcwl, tcwl, lcwl, mcwl, n) add(row_fmt, total_resolve, '', total_load, '', 'Total', '') add('%s┼%s┼%s┼%s┼%s┼%s', tcwl, lcwl, tcwl, lcwl, mcwl, n) for _, p in ipairs(modules) do add(row_fmt, p.resolve, p.loader, p.load, p.ploader, p.module, p.path) end add('%s┴%s┴%s┴%s┴%s┴%s', tcwl, lcwl, tcwl, lcwl, mcwl, n) if #paths > 0 then add('') add(n) local f3 = ' %'..time_content_width..'s │ %'..loader_content_width..'s │ %s' add('Files loaded with no associated module') add('%s┬%s┬%s', tcwl, lcwl, n) add(f3, 'Time', 'Loader', 'Path') add('%s┼%s┼%s', tcwl, lcwl, n) add(f3, total_paths_load, '', 'Total') add('%s┼%s┼%s', tcwl, lcwl, n) for _, p in ipairs(paths) do add(f3, p.load, p.loader, p.path) end add('%s┴%s┴%s', tcwl, lcwl, n) add('') end load_buffer('Impatient Profile Report', lines) end M.setup = function(profile) local _require = require require = function(mod) local basename = mod:gsub('%.', '/') if not profile[basename] then profile[basename] = {} profile[basename].resolve_start = uv.hrtime() profile[basename].loader_guess = 'C' end return _require(mod) end -- Add profiling around all the loaders local pl = package.loaders for i = 1, #pl do local l = pl[i] pl[i] = function(mod) local basename = mod:gsub('%.', '/') profile[basename].loader_guess = i == 1 and 'preloader' or 'loader #'..i return l(mod) end end end return M