local M = require('module'):new() function M:run() self:configureUi(self.config.tui) end function M:gui() self:configureUi(self.config.gui) end function M:configureUi(config) -- Set the font if set if (config.font ~= nil and config.font.family ~= nil and config.font.size ~= nil) then vim.o.guifont = config.font.family..':h'..config.font.size end -- Set the color scheme if set if (config.theme ~= nil) then vim.cmd('colorscheme '..config.theme) end if (config.show_whitespace) then vim.o.listchars = "tab:>-,trail:.,extends:.,precedes:.,space:." vim.o.list = true -- used to be 22, changed to not perfectly match the line highlight or cursor if (config.show_whitespace == true) then guifg = 'gray30' else guifg = config.show_whitespace end -- vim.highlight.create('Whitespace', { guifg = guifg }) vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, 'Whitespace', { fg = guifg }) end end return M