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local Module = {}
function Module:new(obj)
obj = obj or {}
setmetatable(obj, self)
self.__index = self
return obj
function Module:configure(config)
self.config = config or {}
-- Called first to give the module a change to initialize class vars, etc
-- If any configuration is present, configure() will have been called before
-- initialize
function Module:initialize()
-- Give the moduel a chance to register dependencies/etc (e.g., add plugins)
function Module:register()
-- After all modules have had a chance to register dependencies/etc with
-- each other, commit gives all plugins a chance to take action on those.
function Module:commit()
-- Do any further module startup required
function Module:boot()
-- Do core module things, this is _always called
function Module:run()
-- This is _only_ called if we think we're running in a ui (e.g., neovim-qt)
function Module:gui()
-- For doing first-time setup/install
-- This could be called multiple times and should not lose data
-- (E.g., plug#install)
function Module:install()
-- For running health check
-- This should return a table that looks something like:
-- {
-- messages = {
-- {"ok", "This is a message"},
-- {"info", "This is a message"},
-- {"warn", "This is a message"},
-- {"error", "This is a message"},
-- }
-- }
function Module:health()
return nil
return Module