A simple operating system for the ESP32-based M5StickC
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#include <M5StickC.h>
#include "Kernel.h"
#include "Util.h"
#include "Colours.h"
#define MAX_TASKS 8
struct Task *Kernel_get_task(int pid);
struct Task tasks[MAX_TASKS];
int next_pid = 1;
unsigned long last_tick_start;
unsigned long last_tick_duration;
bool inputs[2] = {false, false};
void Kernel_panic(char* message)
M5.Lcd.setTextColor(TFT_WHITE, TFT_BLUE);
M5.Lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
M5.Lcd.print("Panic! ");
while(true) {}
void Kernel_setup()
last_tick_start = millis();
last_tick_duration = 0;
void Kernel_start(int (*callback)(int, unsigned int), unsigned long interval)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(0);
if (process->pid == -1)
Kernel_panic("Could not start process -- reached MAX_TASKS");
process->pid = next_pid++;
process->callback = callback;
process->run_interval = interval;
process->run_accumulator = interval;
process->signal = SIGNAL_START | SIGNAL_TICK;
process->running = true;
void Kernel_enable(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid == pid)
process->running = true;
void Kernel_disable(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid == pid)
process->running = false;
void Kernel_reap(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid != pid || process->running)
process->pid = 0;
process->running = false;
process->exit_code = 0;
process->run_interval = 0;
process->run_accumulator = 0;
process->signal = SIGNAL_NONE;
process->signal_mask = 0xFFFF;
void Kernel_signal(unsigned int signal)
for (int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
if (tasks[i].pid != 0 && tasks[i].running == true)
tasks[i].signal |= signal;
void Kernel_signal(int pid, unsigned int signal)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid == pid)
process->signal |= signal;
void Kernel_signal_mask(int pid, unsigned int signal_mask)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid == pid)
process->signal_mask = signal_mask;
unsigned long Kernel_get_run_interval(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
return process->pid == pid ? process->run_interval : 0;
void Kernel_set_run_interval(int pid, unsigned long interval)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
if (process->pid == pid)
process->run_interval = interval;
int Kernel_count_running_tasks()
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
if (tasks[i].pid != 0 && tasks[i].running)
return count;
int Kernel_get_exit_code(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
int exit_code = process->pid != pid || process->running == true ? -1 : process->exit_code;
return exit_code;
bool Kernel_is_exited(int pid)
struct Task *process = Kernel_get_task(pid);
return process->pid != pid || process->running == false;
bool Kernel_read_input(int input)
bool value = inputs[input];
inputs[input] = false;
return value;
unsigned long Kernel_get_last_tick_duration()
return last_tick_duration;
struct Task *Kernel_get_task(int pid)
for (int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
if (tasks[i].pid == pid)
return &tasks[i];
struct Task empty = Task();
empty.pid = -1;
return &empty;
void Kernel_tick()
last_tick_duration = millis_since(last_tick_start);
// Store the last runtime so we can calculate duration next tick. We do this at the beginning of the method
// so it counts the time spent running tasks as time elapsed.
last_tick_start = millis();
unsigned long next_tick_due = ULONG_MAX;
int running_tasks = 0;
int last_exit_code = 0;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
// If the task is initialized (non-zero PID) and is marked as running
if (tasks[i].pid != 0 && tasks[i].running == true)
// Make sure we found at least one active process, because if not we dead.
// Check if this process is running on a schedule and this tick's duration will push us over the run interval and if so set the TICK signal
// run_interval 0 is a special case of "run whenever we run", so set TICK any time we get here
if (tasks[i].run_interval > 0)
if (tasks[i].run_accumulator + last_tick_duration > tasks[i].run_interval)
// Set signal
tasks[i].signal |= SIGNAL_TICK;
// Reset accumulator so we can start counting again
tasks[i].run_accumulator = 0;
// Otherwise, accumulate time
tasks[i].run_accumulator += last_tick_duration;
tasks[i].signal |= SIGNAL_TICK;
// If the process has any non-masked signals pending, run it
if ((tasks[i].signal & tasks[i].signal_mask) != 0)
unsigned int signals = tasks[i].signal;
tasks[i].signal = SIGNAL_NONE;
// Run the task
int task_return = (*tasks[i].callback)(tasks[i].pid, signals);
// If the tasks's return value was non-zero, it has exited.
if (task_return != 0)
// Mark it as no longer running
tasks[i].running = false;
// Store the exit code
tasks[i].exit_code = task_return;
// Actually it's not running...
last_exit_code = task_return;
// Check each task to see if it's the one scheduled to run on the next closest tick, and track it
// so we can put the processor to sleep until then.
if (tasks[i].running && tasks[i].run_interval > 0 && tasks[i].run_interval - tasks[i].run_accumulator < next_tick_due)
next_tick_due = tasks[i].run_interval - tasks[i].run_accumulator;
if (running_tasks == 0)
char panic_msg[255];
sprintf(panic_msg, "All processes exited! Last exit code: %d", last_exit_code);
// If no signals pending, put processor to sleep until the next scheduled run of a task
// Leave the home button enabled to force a wake-up before then
bool signals_pending = false;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
if ((tasks[i].signal & tasks[i].signal_mask) != 0)
signals_pending = true;
if (!signals_pending)
esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(next_tick_due * 1000);
esp_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup((gpio_num_t)37, LOW);
esp_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(0x8000000000, ESP_EXT1_WAKEUP_ALL_LOW);
esp_sleep_wakeup_cause_t wakeup_reason;
wakeup_reason = esp_sleep_get_wakeup_cause();
case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT0 : inputs[0] = true; break;
case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_EXT1 : inputs[1] = true; break;
case ESP_SLEEP_WAKEUP_ULP : break;
default : break;