platform for developing on SQFMI's Watchy
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#ifndef _KERNEL_h
#define _KERNEL_h
#include "Task.h"
#include "EventListener.h"
typedef void (*kernel_handle_destructor_t)(kernel_handle_t, void*);
struct KernelHandle;
struct KernelTask;
struct KernelEventSubscription;
/// <summary>
/// WatchOS kernel providing the supervisor that makes it all go
/// </summary>
class Kernel
/// <summary>
/// Holds the accounting of all handles the kernel has allocated
/// </summary>
KernelHandle* m_handle[KERNEL_MAX_HANDLES];
/// <summary>
/// Id of the next handle to allocate
/// </summary>
int m_next_handle = 1;
/// <summary>
/// Holds a reference and metadata for every task registered with the kernel
/// </summary>
KernelTask* m_task[KERNEL_MAX_TASKS];
/// <summary>
/// Holds a reference and metadata for every event subscription
/// </summary>
KernelEventSubscription* m_event_subscription[KERNEL_MAX_EVENT_SUBSCRIPTIONS];
/// <summary>
/// Perform the actual actions to free a handle
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Calls the destructor (if set), and removes it from the kernel's internal tracking
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="handle">handle to free</param>
void freeHandle(kernel_handle_t handle);
/// <summary>
/// Initialize the kernel on first boot and notify tasks to do the same
/// </summary>
void initialize();
/// <summary>
/// Have all tasks perform startup after booting
/// </summary>
void start();
/// <summary>
/// Notify all tasks and the kernel to prepare for deep sleep by saving any state
/// required to persistent storage.
/// </summary>
void suspend();
/// <summary>
/// Create a new kernel handle pointing to an object
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">type of the handle, one of WATCHOS_HANDLE_TYPE_ consts</param>
/// <param name="object">pointer to the object this handle references</param>
/// <param name="destructor">function to call when this handle has released all references</param>
/// <param name="well_known">specify a 'well_known' value this pointer can be fetched by</param>
/// <returns>a handle which can be used to fetch or release this object</returns>
kernel_handle_t allocHandle(byte type, void* object, kernel_handle_destructor_t destructor = nullptr, uint32_t well_known = 0);
/// <summary>
/// Fetch the object referenced by this handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">handle to fetch</param>
/// <returns>a pointer to the object the handle references</returns>
void* getHandle(kernel_handle_t handle);
/// <summary>
/// Increase the reference count of a handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">handle to increase reference count on</param>
void useHandle(kernel_handle_t handle);
/// <summary>
/// Decrease the reference count of a handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">handle to decrease reference count on</param>
void releaseHandle(kernel_handle_t handle);
/// <summary>
/// Fetch the handle associated with a "well known" handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="handle">a well known handle we're trying to locate</param>
/// <returns>the kernel handle of the well known object</returns>
kernel_handle_t getHandleForWellKnown(well_known_handle_t handle);
/// <summary>
/// Register a new task with the kernel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="task">task implementation to register</param>
/// <param name="wk_handle">optionally, register this as a well known object</param>
/// <returns>the handle of the registered task</returns>
kernel_handle_t registerTask(Task* task, well_known_handle_t wk_handle = WATCHOS_HANDLE_NULL);
/// <summary>
/// Unregisters a task with the kernel
/// </summary>
/// <param name="task">task implementation to unregister</param>
void unregisterTask(Task* task);
/// <summary>
/// Push an event to all relevant subscribers
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This will look through all subscriptions and see which subscriptions' masks are
/// set to receive events of this source/type, and push the event through to the
/// applicable listeners.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="source">handle of the sender</param>
/// <param name="event">id of the event; what the event means</param>
/// <param name="param1">event-defined data</param>
/// <param name="param2">event-defined data</param>
void pushEvent(well_known_handle_t source, uint16_t event, byte param1, byte param2);
/// <summary>
/// Subscribe a listener to an event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listener">listener that should receive events</param>
/// <param name="source_mask">a bitmask of the event sources that we want to receive</param>
/// <param name="event_mask">a bitmask of the event types that we want to receive</param>
/// <returns>a handle to the subscription</returns>
kernel_handle_t subscribeEvent(EventListener* listener, well_known_handle_t source_mask, uint16_t event_mask);
/// <summary>
/// Remove an event subscription
/// </summary>
/// <param name="subscription">the subscription to remove</param>
void unsubscribeEvent(KernelEventSubscription* subscription);
/// <summary>
/// Have the kernel and any runnable tasks do processing
/// </summary>
void tick();