platform for developing on SQFMI's Watchy
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#include "watchos.h"
#include "Module_UI.h"
class Task_Battery : public IRunnable, public IDrawable, public Task
Module_UI* ui = nullptr;
kernel_handle_t window_handle;
int voltage = 0;
unsigned long last_update = 0;
int getBatteryVoltage()
float raw_value = (analogRead(HW_BATTERY_ADC_PIN) / 4096.0 * 7.23);
return (int)round(raw_value * 100);
void start()
ui = static_cast<Module_UI*>(watchos::module(WATCHOS_MODULE_UI));
window_handle = ui->createWindow(this, ui->getRoot());
ui->setAbsolutePosition(window_handle, DISPLAY_WIDTH - 32, 2, 22, 10);
void tick()
if (millis() - last_update > TASK_BATTERY_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS)
int new_voltage = getBatteryVoltage();
if (new_voltage != voltage)
voltage = new_voltage;
last_update = millis();
void draw(kernel_handle_t handle)
voltage = getBatteryVoltage();
// Main body
ui->fillRectangle(0, 0, 20, 10);
// Pin
ui->fillRectangle(20, 2, 2, 6);
if (voltage >= 350)
int bars = 0;
if (voltage > 410)
bars = 3;
else if (voltage > 395)
bars = 2;
else if (voltage >= 380)
bars = 1;
bars = 0;
int bar_width = (20 - 8) / 3;
int x = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < bars; i++)
ui->fillRectangle(x, 2, bar_width, ui->getHeight() - 4, COLOUR_SECONDARY);
x += bar_width + 2;
ui->line(0, ui->getHeight(), ui->getWidth(), 0, COLOUR_SECONDARY);