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Update readme with new features (mainly !if); cleared a few thinsg off of TODO

Adam Pippin 3 years ago
  1. 56


@ -190,6 +190,55 @@ Will result in:
MyFavouriteNumber: 1 MyFavouriteNumber: 1
``` ```
#### !if
Conditionally include portions of the document.
Expects to receive an array where the first element is a condition, the second is
the value if the condition is true, and the third is the value if the condition
is false.
Expressions use postfix notation because this is a play project right now and
it's both fun and easy to implement and my HP calculator demanded it. Bright side,
you never have to worry about operator precedence!
LoadBalancerType: internal
Subnet: !if
- LoadBalancerType "internal" eq
- subnet-1234
- subnet-6789
The true/false values can include maps/arrays/any other valid YAML.
#### Expressions
Expressions are composed of space separated values and operators. Value components
* Numeric Literals: Any integer or float value.
* String Literals: Any value enclosed in double quotes (`"`). A backslash can be
used to quote/escape literal quotes within the string.
* Variables: Any non-quoted string consisting of letters and numbers (no leading
digit) is interpreted as a reference to one of the variables.
* Operator: Currently supported comparison/logical operators are:
- eq: equal
- neq: not equal
- gt: greater than
- gte: greater than or equal
- lt: less than
- lte: less than or equal
- and: boolean and
- or: boolean or
## Usage ## Usage
### Running ### Running
@ -208,12 +257,5 @@ Note: Building is not required to run.
* Provision rendered templates directly to CloudFormation * Provision rendered templates directly to CloudFormation
* Maybe look at implementing an actual dependency graph to make stuff like "multiple inheritance" a little cleaner.
E.g., if a single app stack pulls in multiple resources which all depend on `base.yaml`, don't reprocess base.yaml a
bunch of times but instead just realize that's the root and process it once.
* Add flow control: `!if`, `!foreach`, etc * Add flow control: `!if`, `!foreach`, etc
* Extend variables to support arrays/maps. Probably write a helper or add a toArray on Node since we're having to
convert to/from dom nodes and arrays/maps all over the place.
* Build an expression parser. Just to make everyone's life difficult, because it's fun and this is a toy project, and
also to avoid having to care about operator precedence let's do it all postfix? My HP50G would be proud.
* Some sort of macro system would be good. * Some sort of macro system would be good.
